Employee Engagement/Understanding Your Why
Psychological Safety & Communication
Employee Engagement/Understanding Your Why
Extinguishing Burnout By Rediscovering Your Why Through Play
Burnout is at an all-time high, yet most proposed solutions focus on analyzing burnout rather than finding answers for it. What if the answer is finding your why through play? Life demands a lot from us, but are we creating space for ourselves to do our best work and enjoy the journey? Studies have found that we are 500% more productive when we are in a state of flow. Also, being in flow provides a certain level of fulfillment and joy, as we learn to appreciate the process over the results. In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to use positive psychology techniques to help find your why, explore your play values, and rediscover actionable ways to get into flow, so you can be and do your best work.
Learning Objectives
Identify why we are currently experiencing a burnout crisis
Reconnect with our why at work & tap back into our flow
Determine actionable strategies to do the work that makes us come most alive
Helping Staff Rediscover Their Flow Through Play
We often measure our self-worth through our achievements and external results. Many people define success as accomplishing a specific goal or purpose while overlooking how they got there. Fulfillment and happiness exist when you can let go of the results, follow your curiosity, and enjoy the ride. Research shows that the more we play, the more open we are to the countless possibilities in front of us. In this interactive workshop, you will identify your play values, engage in brainstorming sessions to help find your play, and discover actionable ways to get into flow.
Learning Objectives
Learn about the science behind flow/play and how this affects productivity & focus
Practice positive psychology techniques that help connect your work to your purpose
Identify your play values and how they can be utilized to tap into your zone of genius
How Can Gratitude Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why
Can gratitude help alleviate this Great Resignation? What if the practice of gratitude could not only connect your staff back to their why but also dramatically improve the connection within a team. Consistent gestures of gratitude towards staff have proven to improve productivity, strengthen relationships and subsequently build a happier workforce. Gratitude, among other emotional intelligence skills, typically does not get the credit they deserve in establishing the culture of an organization. In this workshop, we will explore the impact gratitude can have on a team, examine the psychological ripple effects gratitude can have on an entire company, and break down what actionable gratitude exercises can be implemented in real-time at your organization. It’s amazing how powerful a simple thank you can be, especially during these tumultuous times.
Learning Objectives
Learn the psychological benefits of gratitude and celebration that help build more cohesive, productive teams
Reflect and celebrate successes made throughout the year and identify how to communicate gratitude in your staff's language of appreciation
Identify and practice actionable gratitude exercises that communicate genuine appreciation that can be implemented in real-time at your organization
Psychological Safety & Communication
Building Psychology Safety At Work Through Play
Managers often associate “playing at work” with goofing off or wasting company time and money. But what if play was a crucial component of building a solid foundation for your team? What if it could help create a sense of belonging and psychological safety in the workplace and rekindle morale — especially surrounded by all this uncertainty? In this workshop, we will explore how play is key to building camaraderie in this surreal new reality of work.
Learning Objectives
Identify the traits of psychologically safe workplaces & why it's important
Explore the steps necessary to build psychological safety and how to show up as a leader that is fostering an inclusive workplace
Determine strategies to implement psychological safety techniques within the team in real-time
Navigating Difficult Conversations Through Play
Does the idea of having challenging conversations make you cringe? It doesn't need to! Communication is a sandbox, and when you play in it, it can lead to building trust, establishing inclusivity, and creating psychologically safe spaces where people can thrive. If we don't talk, we can't learn, and ultimately relationships fracture. We will facilitate a series of experiential activities that will provide you with play-oriented tools to practice exploring language and tone, shifting perspectives, and questioning the stories in your head. Let us help you redirect the mental energy currently devoted to unhealthy coping mechanisms and channel it toward identifying the underlying obstacles getting in the way of understanding each other. Replace confusion with clarity by adjusting your communication habits which will help build a stronger, healthier future for us all.
Learning Objectives
Learn play-oriented tools to practice exploring language & shift perspectives
Address the underlying issues getting in the way of understanding each other
Identify actionable strategies to have that difficult conversation you have been avoiding for far too long
Dealing With Toxicity At Work Through Play
We all have had that person at work that goes by the colorful euphemism that starts with the letter A. Why has that person's behavior been tolerated in the office? How has this person affected staff morale and productivity? What is the dynamic fostered at your workplace to allow this type of behavior? What if you could address this problem in a fun, dynamic way? Through our play and values workshop, we provide techniques on how to deal with your own A-hole problem. Finally addressing the "A" issue may cause your company to thrive in ways you once thought impossible.
Learning Objectives
Determine How To Address Your A-Hole Problem In An Fun Way
Recognize and identify the environment that allowed this person to act this way in the first place
Figure out how to reclaim your values and culture that has made your organization successful to begin with
Why Ted Lasso’s Feminine & Masculine Leadership Matters
76% of employees are disengaged at work. Staff eventually leave because they don't feel seen, heard, or appreciated. Who knew the answer to this lies in a show called Ted Lasso? Ted Lasso's leadership style, which combines both feminine and masculine traits, is vital for companies because it demonstrates the effectiveness of a more holistic and inclusive approach to being a leader. Divine feminine leadership emphasizes empathy, intuition, and collaboration, which creates a compassionate work culture. Healthy masculine leadership cultivates assertiveness, decisiveness, and accountability, which leads to a more productive and results-oriented work culture. Combined, this approach builds the strongest and most effective teams.
This session is for organizations who want to rise above the antiquated Mad Men way of managing; for the executive ready to embrace a Ted Lasso standard of leadership where our people are our priority. Is your company ready to follow through on the values plastered on your walls?
Learning Objectives
Identify the leadership traits Ted Lasso exhibits that embrace healthy masculine and divine feminine qualities
Learn how to incorporate aspects of Ted Lasso’s leadership that are currently missing within your management style
Determine immediate action steps that can be applied to ensure your staff feels seen, heard, and appreciated, so you can help them do their most vibrant work
How To Play With Your Inner Critic
Out of all the challenges getting in the way of our success, the one that affects us the most that we talk about the least is our inner critic. It is that voice that prevents us from taking risks, holds us back from showing up fully, and tells us what we have to say is not worthy enough for people to listen to. In this workshop, we will learn how to recognize our inner critic, bring it into the light, and ultimately learn how to play and build a healthy relationship with it. Separating your negative voice from your intuitive one, will free you to be more creative, bolder, and step more into your power to be your complete you.
Learning Objectives
Become self-aware of your inner critic voice
Learn how to respond to your inner critic voice
Identify actionable strategies to deal with your inner critic voice going forward
Embrace Your Fears: We, Not Me
Many of us have something we really want to do with our lives, but we’re afraid. We’re scared to quit our job, start a business, or have THE conversation. But what if the thing we’re actually afraid of is… just feeling afraid? And what if there was a really simple solution that would give us the strength to take the plunge?
In this experiential workshop, participants will deconstruct their strongest fears, then understand where those fears connect with other people’s. Using discoveries from Positive Psychology, they’ll experience the power that comes with learning that your specific fears are shared. Participants will practice techniques in real-time which will help them reduce their fear, regardless of the situation. They’ll leave ready to finally do The Thing and change their lives!
Learning Objectives
Learn how to embody the concept of WE over ME through action
Practice techniques in real-time that will help reduce your fear regardless of the situation
Deconstruct fears, especially those in moments of transition (imposter syndrome, rejection, not-enoughness)
Identify community members (old and new) who can support you in embracing your fears
Making Work Suck Less By Fixing Broken HR Systems
How confident are you in your current HR practices and leadership team to adapt to these tumultuous times? If the answer isn't a resounding yes, then your HR systems may be broken. What about your HR approach seems antiquated? If we believe employees don't quit jobs, they quit their bosses, what have you done to improve the quality of your leaders? How is HR helping to grow the next generation of leaders that have a strong EQ foundation to manage a growing Gen Z workforce? The next generation of workers do not see an emotionally intelligent manager as a bonus, but a requirement to stay.
This workshop is a BS Meter for your HR & Leadership teams. It's an opportunity to reflect on if you have the right system in place and if so, how are you getting leaders prepared to manage in this surreal future of work. This workshop lifts the veil on your team, on your protocols, and on all of your tried and true methods to see if they pass the litmus test needed to thrive now. You already know the results if you choose to stay the course...or you can choose to ask hard questions. Seek a truth that might challenge your perception of reality. See if you are ready to take the necessary steps to embrace a new sophisticated HR way that builds the leadership teams that you've always wanted.
Learning Objectives
Identify where on the spectrum is your current HR foundation
Explore what aspects of leadership are being neglected and what you can do to address this
Determine an action plan to tackle the weakest parts of your HR systems immediately
Learn how to measure the EQ progress of your leaders throughout the next year
Bonus Talk
Why Your Leadership Team Is Falling Short & What You Can Do About It?
How confident are you in your leadership team’s ability to get your organization through these tumultuous times? If the answer isn't a resounding yes, the problem might be worse than you think. Leaders need to be more than adequately trained in their current job duties. They need to be able to lead from a place of compassion, empathy, and humanity. The next generation of workers expect emotionally intelligent managers, viewing this leadership skill set as a non-negotiable for employment. It is these skills that lay the foundation for a work environment that respects the humans that cultivate great organizations.
Right now, there are too many mediocre managers that are considered "good enough" for the organization. This workshop is an opportunity to reflect on if you have the right staff in place and if so, how are you getting them prepared to manage in this surreal future of work. This workshop lifts the veil on your team, on your protocols, and on your tried and true methods to see if they pass the litmus test needed to thrive. This workshop is the much-needed BS Meter for your leadership team.