See What People Are Saying About Jeff's Work
January: "Causing Mischief Playstorm Book Retreat" - Rediscover Your Play
February: "Rediscover Your Play" - Superior Court of Monterey
February: "Ted Lasso's Psychological Safety Talk" - Gift of Life Michigan
March: "Rediscover Your Play" - Central California SHRM Symposium
March: "Navigating Bureaucracy Through Play" - SHRM Atlanta's SOAHR Conference
March: "Rediscover Your Play" - Discover Lancaster
April: "Host & Keynote" - CALSAE 2025 Elevate Conference
- April: "Work Is Broken...Play Can Fix It" - HR Virginia
- April: "Navigating Bureaucracy Through Play" - HR Virginia
- April: "How Gratitude & Play Can Help You Connect To Your Why" - Admin Prof. of Canada
- May: "Don’t Shy Away…Dealing With Narcissism & Toxicity Head On With Play" - TCSHRM
- May: "Work Is Broken...Play Can Fix It" - WorkHuman
- May: "Making Work Suck Less: Healing Workplaces Through Play" - Winchester SHRM
- August: "Host & Keynote" - HR Nebraska
- October: "Rediscover Your Play" - POOL/PACT HR Leadership Conference
- October: "Gratitude & Play Talk" - Conference for Administrative Excellence
- November: "Rediscover Your Play" - NIHRA
Now Booking 1st - 4th Quarter Keynotes & Workshops
January: Staff Retreat - Colorado Community College System
January: "Building Psychological Safety Through Play" - BossedUp
January: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Stanislaus County
February: "Why Ted Lasso's Feminine & Masculine Leadership Matters" - MileHigh SHRM
- February: "Making Work Suck Less: Healing Workplaces Through Play" - IndySHRM
- February: "How To Get Speaking Gigs From A Professional Speaker" - Community of Seven
- March: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - CMAA World Conference
- March: "Why Ted Lasso's Feminine & Masculine Leadership Matters - STXHRS Conference
- March: "How To Help Your Staff Rediscover Their Flow Through Play" - Visit California
- March: How Ted Lasso's Leadership Style Can Help You Build Psychological Safety" - CalGov
- March: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Public Works Officer Institute
- March: "Internal Team Training" - Fairmont San Francisco
- March: "Listen, Learn, & Act Series" - Meyer Nave
- March: "Making Work Suck Less: Healing Workplaces Through Play" - ACMP NorCal
- April: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Planned Parenthood Michigan
- April: "What The Barbie Movie Can Teach You About Psychological Safety" - WorkHuman
- April: "Play Day Summit" - Philadelphia National Speaker Association
- April: "Making Work Suck Less: Healing Workplaces Through Play - HR Virginia
- April: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - CAA Management Conference
- April: "The Power of Play" - GoCal - Greater Ontario
- April: "Building Psychology Safety Through Play" - Western Municipal Water District
- May: "Building Psychology Safety Through Play" - Business Leaders in Tech Diversity Conference
- May: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Shoreline Community College
- May: "Building Psychology Safety Through Play" - Claremont Spa & Club
- May: "Building Psychology Safety Through Play" - International Rescue Committee
- May: "Ted Lasso's Psychological Safety Talk" - Twin Cities SHRM Spring Conference
- May: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - City of Citrus Heights
- May: "Leadership Workshop" - ITC Holdings
- May: "How Your Biggest Workplace Issues Can be Solved With a 4-Day Workweek" - CAHR Conf.
- May: "The Power of Play" - Equity Centered Coaching Summit
- May: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Greater Ann Arbor SHRM
- June: "How Ted Lasso's Leadership Style Can Help You Build Psychological Safety" - NAMICon
- June: "How Gratitude Can Connect You Back To Their Why" - Western Municipal Water District
- June: "Navigating Difficult Conversations Through Play - International Rescue Committee
- June: "Embracing The Caucasity To Ask For What You Deserve" - Groundfloor Oakland
- June: "How Ted Lasso's Leadership Style Can Help You Build Psychological Safety" - SHRM National
- August: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - MotoMart
- August: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - AANN
- August: "Making Work Suck Less: Healing Workplaces Through Play" - SAHRA Conference
- August: "Advocating For The 4-Day Work Week?" - HR Indiana Conference
- August: "Making Work Suck Less: Healing Workplaces Through Play" - HR Indiana Conference
- August: "Leadership Workshop" - ITC Holdings
- August: "How Ted Lasso’s Leadership Style Can Help You Build Psychological Safety" - HR Nebraska
- August: "Leadership Workshop" - ITC Holdings
- August: "Advocating For The 4-Day Work Week?" - HR Florida Conference
- August: "What The Barbie Movie Can Teach You About Psychological Safety" - HR Indiana Conf.
- August: "Playing With Your Inner Critic" - AZSHRM Conference
- September: "Leadership Workshop" - ITC Holdings
- September: "How Gratitude & Play Can Connect You Back To Your Why" - ADRP
- September: "Ted Lasso's Leadership & Build Psychological Safety" - SEPA-SHRM HR Legal Summit
- September: "What The Barbie Movie Can Teach You About Psychological Safety" - COSHRM Conf.
- September: "How Gratitude & Play Can Connect You Back To Your Why" - NHRMA
- September: "How The Four Day Work Week Will Solve Your Biggest Workplace Issues" - NHRMA
- September: "Making Work Suck Less Through Fixing Broken HR Systems" - NHRMA
- September: "Making Work Suck Less Through Play" - One Georgia SHRM
- September: "How Gratitude & Play Can Connect Your Staff Back To Your Why" - HACU
- September: "How Gratitude & Celebration Can Connect You Back To Your Why - SHRM Norcal
- October: "How Ted Lasso's Leadership Style Can Help Build Psychological Safety" - CPHR Alberta
- October: "How Ted Lasso's Leadership Style Can Help Build Psychological Safety" - Fortis, Inc
- October: "Making Work Suck Less Through Play" - Culture Summit
- October: "Advocating For The Four-Day Work Week" - Western Cities HR Conference
- October: "How Ted Lasso's Leadership Style Can Help Build Psychological Safety" - Mid-MO PMI
- October: "How Gratitude & Play Can Connect You Back To Your Why" - HR Southwest Conference
- October: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Wyoming Parks & Rec. Conf
- October: "How Ted Lasso's Leadership Style Can Help Build Psychological Safety" - BWI Airport
- October: "Don’t Be Afraid of The AI-Powered Workplace" - MISHRM Conference
- November: "Making Work Suck Less Through Play" - NIHRA
- November: "Rediscovering Your Flow & Joy Through Play" - CALPELRA
- December: "Rediscovering Your Flow Through Play" - Fire Chiefs Leadership Conference
- Currently Booking Talks For 4th Quarter of 2024 & 1st Quarter of 2025
January: "How Gratitude Can Connect You & Your Staff Back To Their Why" - MassMutual NC
January: "Embracing Your Fears: We, Not Me" - Community of Seven
February: "Building Psychology Safety At Work Through Play" - HRACO
February: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - HashiTalks
- February: "Building Resilience through Studies, Stories, and Strategies" - SWE Local Detroit
- February: "How Can Gratitude Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Fairmont Hotels
- February: "Embracing Your Fears: We, Not Me" - AFLV: Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values
- February: "Navigating Difficult Conversations Through Play - Agile for Humanity Conference
- March: "Playing With Your Inner Critic" - HRMA of Blair County
- March: "Extinguishing Burnout By Rediscovering Your Why" - HR Wellbeing Week
- March: "Rediscover Your Why Through Play" - THS National
- March: "Embracing Your Fears: We, Not Me" - SXSW
- March: "Embracing Your Fears: We, Not Me" - 12-Hour Happiness Marathon
- March: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Kahua
- March: "Making Work Suck Less By Fixing Broken HR Systems" - SOAR- HR 2023 - SHRM Atlanta
- March: "#REALHR: Creating a Culture of Coaching and Candor" - PIHRA
- April: "Building Psychology Safety At Work Through Play" - Arizona SHRM
- April: "Why Ted Lasso's Feminine & Masculine Leadership Matters" - Cal Cities Leaders Summit
- April: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - Atlassian Team '23
- April: "How Can Gratitude Connect You Back To Your Why" Iowa Workplace Wellbeing Conference
- April: "How Gratitude & Play Can Connect You Back To Your Why" - City of Rancho Cucamonga
- April: "Playing With Your Inner Critic" - CUPA-HR Spring Conference
- April: "Making Work Suck Less By Fixing Broken HR Systems" - Tri-State SHRM Conference
- May: "How Can Gratitude Connect You Back To Your Why" - Indiana Chamber of Commerce
- May: "Building Psychological Safety Through Play" - Wonder Women Tech Summit
- May: "Building Psychological Safety Through Play" - East Bay Trusts and Estates Lawyers (EBTEL)
- May: "Navigating Difficult Conversations Through Play" - Fairmont Hotel
- June: "How Gratitude Can Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Illinois Chamber of Commerce
- June: "Making Work Suck Less By Fixing Broken HR Systems" - SHRM23 Annual Conference
- June: "Building Psychological Safety Through Play" - Agile & Beyond 2023
- June: "Why Ted Lasso's Feminine & Masculine Leadership Matters" - World Diversity In Leadership
- June: "Building Psychological Safety Through Play" - BossedUp
- July: "Building Psychological Safety Through Play" - National Association of Catering & Events
- July: "Embrace Your Fears: We, Not Me" - Applied Improvisational Network Summit - Vancouver
- August: "How Can Gratitude Connect You Back To Your Why" - Ronald McDonald House Charities
- August: "Making Work Suck Less By Fixing Broken HR Systems" - Salt Lake City SHRM
- August: "Why Ted Lasso's Feminine & Masculine Leadership Matters" - HR Florida
- August: "Why Ted Lasso's Feminine & Masculine Leadership Matters" - AZSHRM State Conference
- September: "Embrace Your Fears: We, Not Me"- Reset Coworking Toronto
- September: "How Can Gratitude Connect You Back To Your Why" - UMass Dartmouth
- October: "Why Ted Lasso's Feminine/Masculine Leadership Matters" - Elevate Conference Paylocity
- October: "Building Psychological Safety Through Play" - Elevate Conference Paylocity
- October: "Building Psychological Safety Through Play" - HR.com
- October: "How Can Gratitude Connect You Back To Your Why" - One SHRM Georgia Conference
- October: "Making Work Suck Less By Fixing Broken HR Systems" - MISHRM Conference
- October: "Building Psychological Safety Through Play" - SQL Saturday Silicon Valley
- October: "How Gratitude & Can Connect You Back To Your Why" - National Council of Wellbeing
- October: "Navigating Difficult Conversations Through Play" - TSHRM North Carolina
- November: "How To Play With Your Inner Critic" - NASPA Region 1 Conference
- November: "How Gratitude & Can Connect You Back To Your Why" - CALPELRA Conference
- Currently Booking Talks For 1st & 2nd Quarter of 2024
January: "Rediscover Your Leadership Through Play" - Highline College Center For Leadership
February: "Human Resources: Rediscover Your Flow Through Play" - HRart Center Services
- March: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - Power of Fly Diversity Reboot Summit
- March: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - HR of Tomorrow, France
- April: "Navigating Difficult Conversations Through Play" - Kern County SHRM
- April: "Dealing With Toxicity At Work Through Play" - HRMA of Blair County
- April: "Rediscover Your Flow Through Play" - Ebony Harwood's 5-Day Challenge
May: "Dealing With Toxicity At Work Through Play"- RISE Professional BusinessWomen of California
- May: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - G4 Live Presented By Budtender Awards - Las Vegas
- June: "Help Your Staff Rediscover Their Flow Through Play" - ATD Puget Sound
- June: "How to Address Toxic Masculinity to Improve Your Culture?" - ATD Houston
- June: "Helping Staff Rediscover Their Flow Through Play" - Twin Cities SHRM
- June: "Help Your Staff Rediscover Their Flow Through Play" - ATD Lake Superior
- June: "How To Be Persuasive In A Non-Creepy Way" - World Domination Summit - Portland
- July: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - HRA of Greater Oak Brook
- July: "Extinguishing Burnout By Rediscovering Your Why" - Charlottesville SHRM
- July: "Extinguishing Burnout By Rediscovering Your Why" - DHRMA - Mississippi
- August: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - Pause On The Play
- August: "Dealing With Toxicity At Work Through Play"- Central Ohio ATD
- August: "Playing With Your Inner Critic" - Duffy Group Recruitment Redefined
August: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - HR Indiana SHRM Conference
- August: "Extinguishing Burnout By Rediscovering Your Why" - Idaho State Non-Profit Conference
- September: "Extinguishing Burnout By Rediscovering Your Why" - ATAP Global TA Day
- September: "Embracing Your Fears: We, Not Me" - 7in7 Digital Nomad Conference Montreal
- September: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - Wonder Women Tech Immersive Summit
- September: "Rediscover Your Flow Through Play" - Tri-State SHRM Texarkana
- September: "Playing With Your Inner Critic" - University of Michigan Fall Speaker Series
- September: "Extinguishing Burnout By Rediscovering Your Why" - ATD Baton Rouge
- September: "Belonging & Equity" - Siemens
- September: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - Elevate Conference Paylocity
- September: "Dealing With A-Holes At Work Through Play" - SHRM Savannah
- September: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - RMTRA Summit
- September: "Rediscover Your Play" - Greek University
- September: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - IPMA-HR Annual Conference
- September: "Extinguishing Burnout By Rediscovering Your Why" - KCBADD
- October: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - Colorado SHRM State Conference
October: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - HR Tampa Bay Conference & Expo
- October: "Playing With Your Inner Critic" - Intensati
- October: "Leading Organizations Panel" - Human Development and Leadership Division - myASQ
- October: "Finding Happiness & Flow In A Remote World" - Spire Systems
- October: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - GSC-SHRM Annual Conference
- October: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - RSA Cybersecurity Conference
- October: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - HBCU Entrepreneur's Week
- October: "Extinguishing Burnt Out By Rediscovering Your Play" - GMHRA Vermont
October: "Navigating Difficult Conversations Through Play" - ATD Greater Las Vegas
- October: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - IL SHRM Conference
- October: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - CollabCon
- November: "Making Work Suck Less By Fixing Broken HR Systems" - BambooHR Virtual Summit
- November: "Building Psychological Safety At Work Through Play" - ATD Sacramento
- November: "Dealing With A-Holes At Work Through Play" - Brand Style Bloom Speaker Series
- November: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - All Day Dev Ops
November: "Dealing With Toxicity At Work Through Play" - WNCHRA - Asheville
- November: "How Can Gratitude Connect Your Staff Back To Their Why" - Raleigh SHRM
- November: "Dismantling Toxic Masculinity At Work" - Google Developers Group - Zagreb
- December: "Extinguishing Burnout By Rediscovering Your Why" - NHRA St. Louis
January - December - Interviewed On +100 Podcasts
December: "Interview With Dr. Stuart Brown, Dr. of Play" - KPJR Films
November: "Interview with Ekow Nimako - African Studies Association Annual Conference
November: "The Great Resignation" - Exago Panel
November: "Deconstructing The BS of Office Politics​" - The World's Largest HR Virtual Summit
October: "Rediscover Your Creativity Through Play"- Awaken Creativity Summit
September: "Rediscover Your Play" - Camp Indie (In-Person)
September: "Rediscover Your Play" - Creative Trespassing - Members Only
September: "Playing With Your Inner Critic" - Multi-Potentialite Bundle For The PuttyTribe
August: "Rediscover Your Ikigai" - NAAAP Leadership Conference
August: "Rediscover & Recharge Through Play - CalPoly Pomona Internal Event
August: "Rediscover Your Play" - Verto Education Speaker Series
July: "Rediscover Your Flow Through Play" - American Change Management Professionals NORCAL
June: "Playing With Your Inner Critic"- CalState University Employee Development Training Series
May: "Navigating Difficult Conversations Through Play" - Playful Creative Summit
May: "Rediscover Your Flow Through Play" - THR5 Summit
April: "Rediscover Your Inner Genius Through Play" - The Hivery Summit
April: "Rediscover Your Play In Dating" - Dateable After Show
April: "Your Future Is Where Your Fun Is" - Bettzedek Internal Event
April: "Rediscover Your Play" - Youth Leadership Academy
April: "Claim Who You Are Or Chase your Worth" - Color For Change
March: "Rediscover Your Flow Through Play" - Stupski Foundation
March: "Addressing Your Brands Blindspots: DEI & Social Justice" - Creativation Panel
February: "What I Learned Doing 100 Podcast Interviews" - Podfest Global
February: "Rediscover Your Flow Through Play" - Nektar Internal Event
January: "Your Future Is Where Your Fun Is" - Soul Camp
January: "Rediscover Your Play" - Two Day Soiree
March - December: Interviewed On +100 Podcasts
November: "How To Not Be Racist By Accident​" - The World's Largest HR Virtual Summit
October: "How To Deal With Toxicity At Work"- The Department of Homeland Security
August: "The Future Is Where The Fun Is" - Find Calm Here
July: "How I Rediscovered My Play" - True Stories Live - Toronto
April: "Rediscover Your Play" - Empowered Tennessee
March: "How To Deal With A-Holes At Work Through Play" - SXSW (Cancelled Due To COVID-19)
February: "How To Deal With A-Holes At Work Through Play" - Australia's PauseFest
November: "How To Deal With A-Holes At Work" - The World's Largest HR Virtual Summit
October: "Playing With Your Inner Critic"- The Everything Conference
September: "How To Deal With A-Holes At Work Through Play" - INBOUND
August: "Playing With Your Inner Critic" - Camp Is In Your Heart